Common Features

Text links within Dimsum usually take you to other pages within Dimsum. For example, clicking a run name will take you to the Run Details page.

An exception to this is JIRA ticket number links, which will open the issue in JIRA in a new tab.


The MISO icon (MISO icon) appears adjacent to any item with a corresponding page in MISO LIMS. Clicking the MISO icon opens the MISO page in a new tab.

Tool Tips

Hovering over certain text will cause a "Tool Tip" to pop up, which can clarify or provide more details about data that is initially displayed in a compact form.

Describing tooltip


Tables in Dimsum have a standard set of controls added above and/or below the table.


Tables can be sorted by clicking the dropdown next to the sort icon at the top left of the table and selecting the desired option. Sort options will differ depending on the table.

Sorting controls


Tables can be filtered based on different criteria depending on the table. To apply a filter, click the "+ filter" dropdown and select the type of filter you wish to apply. Some filter types will prompt you to select a value from a dropdown, while others may require you to enter text to make your selection. Applying any filters will automatically refresh the page with entries that follow all the filter requirements.

Filtering controls

Multiple filters can be applied to a table. Filters of the same type will be treated as "OR" conditions, while different filter types function as "AND" conditions. For example, you can view all cases with a WGTS assay and involving either the PROA or PROB projects by applying the following filters.

  • Assay: WGTS
  • Project: PROA
  • Project: PROB

To remove a filter, click the 'x' on its label to the left of the "+ filter" button.

Following the selection of filters, the URL in the browser's address bar is updated. This can be bookmarked to save a set of filters that you use frequently, or copied to share with other users.


Adjust the number of entries in the table by clicking on the "Items per page" drop down at the top right of the table and selecting the number of entries you'd like to see.

Page controls

Move between pages in the table using the "<" (previous) and ">" (next) buttons that appear at both the top right and bottom right of the table.

Action Buttons

Action buttons are included below some tables, allowing you to work with the tables or the items within them. Some of the actions require a selection. You can select items in the table using the checkboxes in the left-most column.