QC Dashboard

This is the main dashboard users are presented with. All cases are presented in a table format. See Cases for details about how cases are constructed. Navigate back to this page by clicking on the Dimsum logo on the top left of all pages.

QC Dashboard

Cases Table Columns


Lists the project(s) involved in the case, and their appropriate pipeline. Multiple projects will be involved in cases where relevant samples from the case's donor have been propagated to a different project.

Clicking on a project name will take you to the Project Details page. Clicking on the MISO icon next to the project name will open the MISO Edit Project page in a new tab.


Lists the case donor's internal and external names, and the tumour tissue origin, tissue type, and timepoint examined in the case.

Clicking on the donor name will take you to the Donor Details page. Clicking on the MISO icon next to the donor name will open the MISO Edit Sample page for the donor in a new tab.


Lists the case assay and requisition.

If the case is stopped, the text "CASE STOPPED" also appears here. Hovering over the text will display the stop reason in a tooltip. If the case is paused, similar text and tooltip are displayed in the same place.

Clicking on the requisition name will take you to the Requisition Details page. Clicking on the MISO icon next to the requisition name will open the MISO Edit Requisition page in a new tab.

Clicking on the "Case Details" link will take you to the Case Details page.

Start Date

Displays the case start date and total turn-around time. Start date is the earliest receipt date of the tumour sample(s) involved in the case. For ongoing cases, the turn-around time is the number of days from the start date until the current date. For completed cases, the turn-around time is the number of days from the start date until the Release sign-off.


Each assay includes one or more tests. Tests must be repeated for each group ID present. See Cases for more details about how cases are constructed.

QC Steps

The following are QC step columns, and their associated items:

Step/Column Item type
Receipt/Inspection Requisitioned samples
Extraction Stock samples
Library Preparation Libraries
Library Qualification Library aliquots or run-libraries, depending on the assay
Full-Depth Sequencing Run-libraries
Analysis Review Requisition-level QC
Release Approvals Requisition-level QC
Releases Requisition-level QC

Each QC step cell includes icons representing the QC status of each item relevant to that step. A checkmark represents an item that has passed QC, while an 'X' represents a QC failure. Click the Legend button at the bottom of the table for a full list of statuses and their icons. A single passing item is required for the step to be considered complete. Hover over an icon to view a tooltip containing item details and relevant links.

A QC step cell is shaded yellow if the step has not been completed.

A QC step cell is shaded grey if it is not applicable for the test. For example, if stock samples were received, extraction is not necessary.

Latest Activity

Displays the latest date that an item involved in the case was created, modified, or signed-off.

Case Actions

Action buttons on the Cases table allow you to download several reports, and complete case-level sign-offs.