Review Case Sign-Offs

When preparing a case for release, the reviewer must ensure that all sign-offs have been completed. Dimsum allows you to see all of the relevant sign-offs in one clear view.

  1. On the main QC Dashboard, filter for the desired requisition by clicking the "+ filter" icon and selecting "Requisition" from the drop down menu. Enter the requisition name in the text box and press enter or click the checkmark to confirm. The table will refresh automatically.

  2. Find the case you are looking for in the table - a single requisition may have multiple cases.

  3. Ensure that all QC Gate cells have a white background and contain at least one checkmark. This means that all sign-offs have been completed.

  4. If you want to view more details such as metrics, you can click on the assay name in the Assay column to go to the Case Details page for that case.

NOTE: A QC gate column may contain both failed items as well as passing. As long as the gate contains at least one passing item, the QC gate has been passed.